Monday, November 28, 2011

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Delaying the Inevitable?

I don't think I could have put it in better words myself. I remember the first news I heard of the government "shutting down" due to a financial disaster. I personally saw this as a childish blunder as a result from very poor planning. Although this isn't the first time this has happened, I believe this marks the 4th time this year that this has been called to order. I will admit I don't fully understand how and where a $700 million bailout comes from. But as Shane said, their only stalling until things get worse. Unless of course, the big boys and girls in washington can come up with a solution that can actually last more than a 1/4 of a year.  I highly respect the view of this blog and do not see the opinion as harsh at all. Its constructive criticism, these mistakes are getting embarrassing. I have very little respect for the government as it is, I don't need to be hearing about them having to pay themselves to keep themselves alive. They need to get their act together, and figure something out that would last.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy Once More

     The whole world watches 

      Although the mayor of New York had the movement known as "occupy wall street" evicted and shut down, the mark it left was enough to ignite a fire a crossed the nation. 
      What started as a non-violent movement in New York City turned into a nation wide soft mannered revolution slowly gaining more publicity? 
            It amazes me that in my time I would see a movement such as Occupy.
I was fortunate enough to work with Brighton Wallace of the Occupy Austin movement before he lost his job, I’ll be honest, the first time he started explaining things to me I was convinced he was out of his mind. But he spoke with such passion and drive, that I had no choice but to listen. Since that day I have been approached by young men with bandana’s covering their faces, passing out packets often filled with grammatical errors and loosely worded paragraphs.
            There isn’t a day that goes by that you can take a walk in Austin and not see a chalk drawn quote or spray painted sign mentioning the Occupy Movement, to me it shows a strong sense of unity that most saw lost. I was one who always thought the Vietnam protests would be the last time a generation came together to speak as one voice. Word has even spread a crossed the ocean and has been sparked in European countries as well.
            One of the biggest differences I noticed in this article was the anticipation leading up to November 17th, apparently today was the day a 3 part non-violent movement through NYC was to take place again. Starting with “shutting down wall street” and ending with a re organized meeting in the park, the occupy organizers seem to really have things under control.
            With every day that goes by the movement grows, even if its little by little, everyday more and more people hear about it, and that is the constant drive keeping these people outside for these extended periods of time protesting for what they believe in.
            This article has inspired me to look more into occupy, and see what things would be like had their goals ever been achieved. One thing for sure, “Occupy Around The World” shows no signs of slowing down.