Monday, October 17, 2011

Bush Is Back

We all know president bush for his great mishap of a term in office, it was almost embarrassing. In the article listed above, the topic of credibility comes into question once again for the bush administration. They have tried to claim partial credit for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden. Personally, I never even took bush serious as a president. He was like a little kid playing around in a big white house, when he wasn’t on vacation. So these actions of trying to scrape together at least a little bit of public approval doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. Even after all the bush administration jokes had finally stopped, they brought themselves right back into the public eye. I don’t believe for a second that they had anything to do with it because they had claimed the case went “cold”. If they had any shred of evidence that could lead to the capture then the case wouldn’t have ever been worthy of giving up. These are the reasons that I feel I will never be able to trust the government, there’s always something they didn’t say to the public or didn’t show to the public. In an idealistic democratic government, the people should know everything and be able to make a fully conscious vote on who the wish to elect their president. But that idea seemed to never exist for our great country. I know that a life in this country is a dream come true for many, and I know that there are plenty of other governments out there killing raping and extorting their people, but the men and women in D.C. dress up in suits and lie to our faces every day. No, I doubt the bush administration knew where or how they could get Osama, or else they would have saved their sorry butts and went and got him themselves. One day, maybe the united states government will feel that their citizens deserve to know all that they know, maybe we’ll actually know everything were up against as soon as they know. One day, maybe. 

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